Saturday, January 3, 2009

So this is what I found at Home Depot.

My wonderful wife bought me the Lego Mindstorms robot-building kit for Christmas. I love my wife. She knows me so well, and will probably be the first to read my blog. Hey babe! Look, my very own blog!

Well, our son is 11 months old right now, and would have no hesitation in eating (or at least throwing around) all the little bits of Lego he could get his hands on. In order to prevent this, I sought some sort of storage mechanism which would be portable, easily accessible but lockable, not too bulky, and not so cheap that my son would crush it in his sticky, vise-like grip.

...And so, after having gone to several of my least-favourite big-box stores, I found the ultimate Lego storage box. It was $25 and was totally what I was looking for. It holds the complete Mindstorms kit inside with room to spare, and I could throw it off our deck with no worries that Lego would come spilling out in an expensive, grey and black, pointy plastic spray.

Just today I picked up my childhood collection of Lego from my parents, which they were keeping in storage along with other childhood oddities, like old report cards, sports pictures, badges, ribbons, certificates, and a few broken toys that had some meaning, once upon a time. Anyone remember the Participaction badges they gave out in the '80's? (It's a Canadian thing) I also got rid of my bachelor crap - speakers, and old amp from the seventies that was ridiculously powerful, but finicky, a wooden cribbage board the size of a coffee table, and a coffee table the size, well, it was big. I remember the box of Lego being bigger - but of course I was smaller, and it was somewhat anticlimactic when I finally got it. I had been looking forward to getting my hands on that Lego for years, and I guess I had built it up in my head...a big, heavy box, stuffed with enough Lego to make something really massive and imposing...and my old Space Lego sets, with their cratered grey sheets and little spacemen doing spacemen

It wasn't that big of a box, and it smelled musty.

I guess I'll have to build robots instead.


  1. So, I stumbled to a site that has one post? A blog with 1 post? I did not know that it is possible to
    a) attract visitors with only one post
    b) have a blog with only one post
    c) be on stumble and digg with no comments, no followers and only the one post.
    You sneaky person, did yoo (like I once did) report yourself to the world, by anychance?

  2. @ sanaseni: Holy crap, it worked! I did exactly that. You've got to start somewhere.
